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Casio PB-1000 - hardware

Signal naming according to the "PB-1000 technical handbook" published by the MODERN CO, LTD, Japan.
Credits to BLUE for his great help.

The HD61700 microprocessor

microprocessor HD61700

Pin functions

PinSymbol Function
1..8CS0..CS7 Chip select signals, active low. Following address ranges are decoded:
CS0: &H08000..&H0FFFF, ROM 32kB
CS1: &H04000..&H05FFF, goes to the expansion port, unused
CS2: &H06000..&H07FFF, internal RAM 8kB
CS3: &H18000..&H19FFF, additional RAM module
CS4: &H1A000..&H1BFFF, additional RAM module
CS5: &H1C000..&H1DFFF, additional RAM module
CS6: &H1E000..&H1FFFF, additional RAM module
CS7: &H00C00..&H00C0F, serial, printer and FDD interface
9,10A16,A17 two most significant bits of the address bus
11ON ON interrupt request input, receives low level pulses of frequency 55 Hz from pin 27 of the HD44352 LCD controller chip, the handler routine starts at address &HFFCA
12INT1 edge sensitive interrupt request input, connected to the peripheral port, the handler routine starts at address &HFFBB
13INT2 level sensitive interrupt request input, connected to the peripheral port, the handler routine starts at address &HFFD0
LCD controller bus, similar as in the Casio FX-700P,
all signals use negative logic,
pins CE3 and CE4 are not connected in the Casio PB-1000
26DB jumper E to VSS (open), low level selects debug mode
27Vx filter capacitor 0.47uF for the 32768Hz oscillator supply voltage
28,29XO,XI crystal 32768Hz, XO is the output from the inverting oscillator amplifier
30GND connected to GND
31,32OSCI,OSCO ceramic resonator 910kHz, OSCO is the output from the inverting oscillator amplifier
33VDD1 internal logic power supply, outputs low level when the power is on, controls the Poff input of the voltage converter chip SCI7661 (through an inverter built with a pnp transistor)
34T connected either to GND through the jumper A (soldered) or to VSS through the jumper C (open), low level selects the test mode
35RST Reset input, active low, pressing the RESET button connects this pin to VSS
36SW Power on interrupt request input, connected by the Power switch either to VSS (power on) or to GND (power off), the handler routine starts at address &HFFC1
37F this output informs whether the clock is divided by 16
high level: slow mode, low level: fast mode (opposite to the description in the "technical handbook")
38M operation code fetch signal in the debug mode
39Ø3 bus reading signal in the debug mode
40..51KI1..KI12 keyboard matrix input port, can be accessed through the KY register
KI5 can be optionally connected to VSS through the jumper B (open), purpose unknown
52..63KO1..KO12 keyboard matrix output port, controlled by the IA register
64..71P7..P0 The 8-bit bi-directional port which can be accessed through the PD and PE registers. Function of individual bits:
P7,P6 drive the piezo-buzzer
P5 senses the supply voltage
P4 is the reset output for peripherals
P3 controls the FDD power, 0 turns the power on
P2 selects the FDD transfer direction, 1 when writing to the FDD interface, 0 when reading from the FDD interface
P1 is connected to the expansion port, but not used
P0 is the FDD transfer direction acknowledge input
72WR bus write strobe signal, active low
73RD bus read strobe signal, active low
74OE output enable for external memory, looks like the Motorola scheme data strobe control signal E, not used in the PB-1000 (except perhaps by some external peripherals)
75..82IO7..IO0 bi-directional data bus
83GND positive supply voltage rail
84VSS negative supply voltage rail
85..100A0..A15 address bus

The bus waveforms

The diagram illustrates the system bus and the LCD port waveforms taken while executing following program:

8E35: 54 00 C3    PPO &HC3
8E38: 52 0D       STL &H0D ;data &H0D is transferred in two cycles,
                           ;the least significant nibble first
8E3A: 27 00       PHU $0   ;data &H7A written to address &H6A2F

The power supply circuit on the LCD board

power supply circuit diagram

The flexible strip connecting the CPU board with the LCD board

flexible strip signals

The keyboard

The columns of the keyboard matrix are driven from the 12-bit KO output port, controlled by the IA register. A pressed key makes contact between selected column and row. The rows are sensed by the 12-bit KI input port, accessible through the KY register.

keyboard layout

Mapping of the KY register bits to the keyboard rows:

KY register bit mapping

The RAM expansion module connector

GND is the positive terminal of the supply voltage, VSS is the negative terminal.

RAM expansion module connector

The peripheral port connector

GND is the positive terminal of the supply voltage, VSS is the negative terminal.

peripheral port connector

The touch digitizer on top of the LCD

Images contributed by Mahmoud Yassine.